Bhagavad Gita Essentials
Essentials: eBook
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Amongst the vast landscape of Hindu Scripture, the Bhagavad Gita has stood out as one of the key texts to understanding the meaning of our existence. When the mighty warrior Arjuna is on the brink of war, his doubts and confusion compel him to take refuge at the feet of his charioteer. But his driver is no ordinary human, nor just a friend or great king; He is God. What follows is the greatest of all conversations. The Personality who creates and pervades this material world instructs Arjuna into the nature of who we truly are, the goal of life, and how we can get there.
In whatever situations we find ourselves in, the Bhagavad Gita is directly relevant because it describes the eternal truths underpin reality. Once we understand them, we will know how to navigate life in the most fruitful way. Or as Paramahamsa Vishwananda puts it, we will know how to 'Just Love'.
The Bhagavad Gītā Essentials is a special edition of this classic Hindu scripture. In this edition, different themes help you understand groups of verses, while Paramahamsa Vishwananda's selected commentary expands on that theme to deepen its meaning. His words drive wisdom deep into our hearts, urging us to look beyond material things and receive the Divine Grace that is offered in this timeless scripture.
This unique approach makes absorbing the wisdom that the Bhagavad Gita contains more easy, more enjoyable, and more effective than ever. All we need to do is to open this book and open our minds to the treasures it holds.
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Essentials: Printed hardcover version