Gaura-Nitai murtis
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also known as Gaura, was considered an incarnation of Krishna and Radha in one body. The Lord took this form so He could experience the immense Love and devotion that Radha had for Krishna. Nityananda was His closest associate and, together, they spread the Sankirtan-Bhakti movement, singing the Name of the Lord as the easiest means to Enlightenment.
Description: These Gaura-Nitai murtis come with an elegant combination of richly embroidered top, dhoti and shawl, and both have crowns, jewellery and hair. Choose the colour of their outfits in the drop-down options menu.
Material: Brass
Colour: Golden, painted. Colours are permanent and long-lasting.
Height: 165 mm. Size is measured from bottom of base to top of head.
Ideal for home puja / abhishekam.