Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe. This stunning portrait conveys such a beautiful feeling of joy and playfulness. What makes this image so special is the garland. Paramahamsa Vishwananda didn’t know how to paint roses, so He closed His eyes and told Jagannath, ‘If you want Your garland to be done like that, You have to paint it Yourself.’ You can clearly see that the style is completely different than the rest of the picture. The Lord of the Universe painted His own garland, He was present in the room when Guruji was painting!
Frame Options: Aluminium frame or oak wood frame
Art Print Finishing: Aluminium (matt) or acrylic glass (glossy)
Framed Size: 43 x 31 cm
This is a print reproduction of an original painting done by Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda in the year 2022. The artwork and the print production is protected by copyright. Any form of exploitation - with the exception of resale - requires the written consent of the Seller Bhakti Event GmbH, unless statutory exceptions apply. With the sale of the print production, the Buyer expressly receives no right for the production and/or reproduction of illustrations or copies, of any kind. Any exhibition of the print production of the artwork above, must be approved by the Artist and the Seller.