The Life of Love. O.B.L.Kapoor.
Biography of Sri Srimat Radharamana Charan Das Deva The Veritable Embodiment of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Universal Religion of Love.
Sri Radharamana Charan das Deva was a living embodiment of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s religion of love. He carried Mahaprabhu’s message of love form door to door, singing and dancing, laughing and weeping in rapturous ecstasies like Mahaprabhu himself.
A veritable dynamo of bhakti, he lovingly embraced whomsoever he met and by his mere touch transmitted bhakti into his heart. He was like an angel that came from above down below on earth only to alleviate our suffering by preaching that all our suffering could be easily removed and we could attain the highest goal of life - the Lotus Feet of the Lord, if only we chanted the Name of the Lord. Since we, the jivas of Kali, would not easily believe this, he mercifully took it upon himself to demonstrate the power of the Name by curing diseases, melting stones, making the trees dance and animals behave like devout Vaishnavas and even by bringing the dead back to life through congregational chanting of the Name of the Lord.
Language: English